Methods I've tried to have a slimmer or smaller nose or whatever you call it
YES this is gonna be the post on noses !
Sadly I'm born an asian with a fat big nose so I've tried so many ways to try to make my nose appear or seem smaller or higher or just, not fat and big.
Like hey, who doesn't want a nose like this ?

It's nice and cute and has a high nose bridge, it's sexy it's pretty it's skinny it's small .
And well, I'm too young for a nose job and I don't think I ever wanna do a nose job because it's like slicing a apple into half and jabbing it multiple times except on my nose o.o
but maybe in the future when I'm all grown up my mindset will change ?
but anyway.
These are the 3 methods that i've tried to make my nose smaller/appear higher etc etc WITHOUT surgery.
1) Highlighting & contouring my nose
Okay, this didn't work for me.
cause I think I didn't know how to contour properly at that time when i tried to, and the past couple of days I tried again properly and well, it was not as bad as before. But my nose is too huge to have a difference when contoured.
Like, all my nose look like is that there are two brown lines at the side and a thick, white glittering line in the middle. wth man.
This photo is gonna blow your eyeballs out, because of how hideous I look :
I put it x-large for you guys to admire :3
Picture taken in December 2011.
Okay yes. As you can see, my make-up skills suck shit last time and I had super heavy foundation smeared all over my face to cover up my disgusting acne and my eyes are uneven and my eyebrows look like jonny depp's and my face is an oil factory.
the contouring and highlighting actually made my nose look BIGGER.
but if you learn the correct way of contouring and highlighting, I think it should be fine.
It won't look as bad as mine though, trust me :/
2) Nose-up clip
This somehow worked for me. I noticed my nose looked aliiiiiiiiiiiiitle bit smaller than before. just abit. but still, it worked :3
It's supposed to touch and clip onto my nose, like a peg.
But it's like dirty to me to keep using it on your nose, you know what i'm sayin' ?
So everyday when I use it I'll use new and clean cotton pads and place it on my nose and than clip my nose.
like that :
LOL i know I look like a tard monkey, even my family members were like wtf is that ?!
And I'm sorry my camera quality is so bad, cause i'm using my phone camera ~ :(
and to me it actually hurts WITHOUT using the cotton pads, like just placing the clip bare onto my nose, ouch :/
and my nose will become redder without the cotton pads too.
of course with the cotton pads it's still red but not as red.
in conclusion : Nose up clip is cheap and works somehow. So it's worth a try ! but, you HAVE to be consistent. that means do it on a daily basis. and it's a matter of getting use to it too.
3) Rulav Nose Reshaper
Got this for $35.
Okay, basically it's two pieces of black thingys ( my vocab sucks pardon me ! ) that you're supposed to put INTO your nostrils. o.o
And the long black stick thingy is to remove them out of the nose.
Sounds painful aye ? well I tried it.
cause i was desperate for a nice nose.
cause they promised me :

Steps to insert the rulav thingys into the nose.
Okay as you can see in this picture above these words, the nostril with the rulav is much longer and slimmer.
So yes, I have a high nose bridge. but wait.
With rulav in both nostrils. yes my nose now look pretty 'high' aye?
I don't know if it's obvious here but I don't think so.
When both the rulav is in my nostrils, my nose look like a pig nose.
Like seriously, my nose looks super duper unnaturally high and it's UNCOMFORTABLEEEE.
I can feel them in my nostrils, like REALLY FEEL EM'.
but perhaps I bought the wrong size so, if you wanna try them out you can :)
so now I'm trying to love my current nose, but still gonna continue using the nose up clip ! :D
Sadly I'm born an asian with a fat big nose so I've tried so many ways to try to make my nose appear or seem smaller or higher or just, not fat and big.
Like hey, who doesn't want a nose like this ?

It's nice and cute and has a high nose bridge, it's sexy it's pretty it's skinny it's small .
And well, I'm too young for a nose job and I don't think I ever wanna do a nose job because it's like slicing a apple into half and jabbing it multiple times except on my nose o.o
but maybe in the future when I'm all grown up my mindset will change ?
but anyway.
These are the 3 methods that i've tried to make my nose smaller/appear higher etc etc WITHOUT surgery.
1) Highlighting & contouring my nose
Okay, this didn't work for me.
cause I think I didn't know how to contour properly at that time when i tried to, and the past couple of days I tried again properly and well, it was not as bad as before. But my nose is too huge to have a difference when contoured.
Like, all my nose look like is that there are two brown lines at the side and a thick, white glittering line in the middle. wth man.
This photo is gonna blow your eyeballs out, because of how hideous I look :
I put it x-large for you guys to admire :3
Picture taken in December 2011.
Okay yes. As you can see, my make-up skills suck shit last time and I had super heavy foundation smeared all over my face to cover up my disgusting acne and my eyes are uneven and my eyebrows look like jonny depp's and my face is an oil factory.
the contouring and highlighting actually made my nose look BIGGER.
but if you learn the correct way of contouring and highlighting, I think it should be fine.
It won't look as bad as mine though, trust me :/
2) Nose-up clip
This somehow worked for me. I noticed my nose looked aliiiiiiiiiiiiitle bit smaller than before. just abit. but still, it worked :3
This is my nose clip. Got it from Sasa for around $5 i think, if i'm not wrong... :3
Bought it like, many months ago.
Okay, that white thingy in-between the nose clip is actually a cotton pad.
because, see this two white thingys?
( picture below )
But it's like dirty to me to keep using it on your nose, you know what i'm sayin' ?
So everyday when I use it I'll use new and clean cotton pads and place it on my nose and than clip my nose.
like that :
LOL i know I look like a tard monkey, even my family members were like wtf is that ?!
And I'm sorry my camera quality is so bad, cause i'm using my phone camera ~ :(
and to me it actually hurts WITHOUT using the cotton pads, like just placing the clip bare onto my nose, ouch :/
and my nose will become redder without the cotton pads too.
of course with the cotton pads it's still red but not as red.
how much the clip squeeeze le nose.
in conclusion : Nose up clip is cheap and works somehow. So it's worth a try ! but, you HAVE to be consistent. that means do it on a daily basis. and it's a matter of getting use to it too.
3) Rulav Nose Reshaper
Got this for $35.
Okay, basically it's two pieces of black thingys ( my vocab sucks pardon me ! ) that you're supposed to put INTO your nostrils. o.o
And the long black stick thingy is to remove them out of the nose.
Sounds painful aye ? well I tried it.
cause i was desperate for a nice nose.
cause they promised me :
RULAV is placed and easily removed in a few seconds in the comfort of your home, and gives you the instant pretty nose you've always wanted.
From the first moment you use it, you will be convinced of the immediate effects RULAV gives you.
The Nasal Corrector RULAV is unisex. RULAV improves the look of flat noses, columbines, FALL, WIDE and tuned much more to a pretty nose.
Rulav can be used the whole day and like contact lenses removed before going to bed.
So don't wait and stylize your nose in a safe and 100% natural, without surgery, without risk, easy to use and at low cost!
Something like that.

Steps to insert the rulav thingys into the nose.
Okay as you can see in this picture above these words, the nostril with the rulav is much longer and slimmer.
So yes, I have a high nose bridge. but wait.
With rulav in both nostrils. yes my nose now look pretty 'high' aye?
I don't know if it's obvious here but I don't think so.
When both the rulav is in my nostrils, my nose look like a pig nose.
Like seriously, my nose looks super duper unnaturally high and it's UNCOMFORTABLEEEE.
I can feel them in my nostrils, like REALLY FEEL EM'.
but perhaps I bought the wrong size so, if you wanna try them out you can :)
so now I'm trying to love my current nose, but still gonna continue using the nose up clip ! :D
WOW. That rulav nose shaping tool is so strange. First time I've seen something like that!
ReplyDeleteLol, if it was heaps cheaper, I would try it out just to see how it is.
i know right, i was like this is crazy plus expensive but I gave it a try :/
Deleteit'll feel weird haha!
Sorry for the randomness...
DeleteBut your skin is really oily, anyway.. The nose clip is really helpful
The. Rulav worked good on me.. Maybe u got it a size to big. Their is XS, S,M,L,and XL , I bought mine at EBay for just $7.30. I'm really happy with mine.
ReplyDeleteYeah I think I got a bigger size :/ omg yours is so cheap !!
ReplyDeleteelysa what size did you get?
DeleteI got Medium cause apparently the person who sold it to me said Medium was the size that most fit me. And most people. :O
DeleteHow old were u started using these? Would it still work for me? I'm 15
DeleteOmg I dislike my nose bridge as well! I mean, it isn't bad because it is small but my nose bridge is non-existent =.= To the point where I can't shade the area near my eyebrows! But that rulav thing sounds interesting! I'd like to try it out :P
ReplyDeletehehehe I know right!
DeleteThanks or your kind comment on my blog hun <3
ReplyDeleteThis blogpost was really interesting to read... that contouring and highlighting stuff never worked for me too... I wished my nose was smaller. xD
When I was a kid I sometimes put a clothespin on my nose. Didn't worked as well and it hurt so bad. :'D
sameee ~
Deletehahaha I know right it hurts ~
Hi! Just wanted to let you know that I don't think your nose is a big deal, I think it looks fine, wayy better than having a nose that sticks out ^^ I think if you learned how to do your make up better then your nose wouldn't matter because your other facial features would stick out more which is a good thing. I myself know a bit about make up and make up application so if you want, you can add me on facebook and we can talk more about tips and stuff, my email is
ReplyDeleteAlso, you should check out this website:
awh thank you :) Yeah but sometimes I would love a smaller and cute nose and contouring and make-up doesn't make much of a difference :/
DeleteBut thank you for reading this post! :D
Me, I use the clip also, look at my nose
DeleteI just got a pair and read up on this blog while it was in the mail. It took me hour to fiddle with them and get them in right, but I feel like if I sneezed or smiles TOO wide, they'd pop out :|.
ReplyDeleteI'm still going to try and work with them because I dislike the shape of my nose THAT much XD. I do appreciate the detailed posts, though. Suuuper helpful. o/
hehehe I actually just ordered a size XS so hopefully that'll work for me :D
DeleteI know right :( really dislike the shape of my nose as well~ will try anything I can to reduce/ make the appearance of it smaller :D
Have you received your xs? Is it better fit? I wanna order but not sure xs or s. pls lemme know :)
Deletehi! I've received my XS! its a better fit but i think its a little too small :/ it moves around and doesn't stay in place which is very irritating haha !
DeleteHey does the extra small look more natural ? :) i ordered small and that was too big , gave me a piggy nose :( and it hurt :(
Deleteis there a nose clip that can make your bridge smaller?D:
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure~ I only feel that it can make a large nose slightly smaller :/
DeleteHey what happened to your instagram account? I can't view it.
ReplyDeleteI found the distributor in France and for less price :)
ReplyDeleteHere is the link enjoy:
Is your Rulav like.. a little plastic-y ? OTL .. not sure mine are even real...
ReplyDeleteMine feels very plastic-yish, actually. haha! not sure whether its suppose to feel like that but .. not sure if mine are real also heh.
Deletei tried everything for make my nose slimmer but did get any result after i consult with my doctor he told about nose right tool now i am using nose right tool really it's awesome i got great result nose my nose look so smaller
ReplyDeleteWhat nose tool did your doctor tell you to use?
DeleteWhere do you go to buy the Rulav Nose Reshaper? Please try to reply ASAP! Thanks;D
ReplyDeleteEbay! :D
DeleteI've bought them too,I'm not Asian but I have a wide nose and its short to with like no bridge,im Scottish and Irish and German so im like really pale too. They feel weird when I wear them like their stuck and its painful lol but makes my nose look better
ReplyDeletenose right is the best way to make nose sharp and smaller i am also using that same tool really it's work awesome.
ReplyDeleteHave you experienced any negative side effects upon using the tools and are you still using them as of now?
ReplyDeleteI've bought the right size for my nose and have been using them for quite some time now. Didn't experience any negative side effects and the only con is it get really uncomfortable after wearing it for the whole day, like for many hours (:
Deletehey there, I have read your post all, and I was found it cool, I have a taller, wide nose I couldn't found any way to make it slimmer, has made me really sad which made my relative and friends laugh on me, and has made my face look ugly :(
ReplyDeletehey there! I totally understand how you feel.. unfortunately society is judgemental and people are too. Although you may feel unaccepted by people around you, don't dislike yourself, and instead, be a happier and more confident person as when you are positive, people will see that you are a confident and strong person and people naturally look up to that. (:
DeleteThanks, yeah your sounds right,
DeleteMy nose look like yours the difference is: my nose is opened. Yes, now you can laugh, OPEN, i hate my nose, well I can smell things but, why can't that be a little bit smaller or pretty? I'm going to buy a nose clip now, if isn't works, I'll probably buy a RULAV. I don't want to do a surgery bcz I got no money, and I really can't wait for the momment that I'll got money bcz my plan of career depends of my beauty, in pictures I just can make it smaller w/ makeup or photoshop, but now I have more social contact, so I can't look so diferent of picture right? Oh, I'll try dat.
ReplyDeleteI highly recommend face thin tool does work bought it a long time ago and my face looks good people thin i am much younger because the face thin not only burns the fatty around face but also makes face tighter. That's the only thin that will make your face thin.
Hi dies sasa still sell the nose clip? And which sasa outlet did you buy it from? Did it give you a permanent result after using it for a while?:-)
Deletei had same problem as you but my nose is a little bit bigger and short than you. i'm also asian girl.i've already try a lot of method like nose up clip,face exercise,and more. no one works. sometimes i depressed . i think its better if i had a nose job,but i'm still young and nose job is really expensive. i don't know what i must do again.Please Help Me!! sorry for bad english ^^
ReplyDeleteYou have to work your face out, my sister has the face thin tool from works for her.
ReplyDeleteThis is a really good post. Omg that rulav nose tool seems so interesting! Thank you so much for introducing me to it! I will definitely try it.
ReplyDeleteHey! I read your post :) you're very beautiful
ReplyDeleteand I was wondering..the nose-up clip..would my nose turn out like this one girls nose? Her name is Taylor terminate
Hey! I read your post :) you're very beautiful
ReplyDeleteand I was wondering..the nose-up clip..would my nose turn out like this one girls nose? Her name is Taylor terminate
Nose right tool is best for make nose smaller without any makeup and surgery just try to use that tool get great result.
ReplyDeleteThose nose clips can you please update? i bought something similar wanted to know if they make ur nose smaller permanently or if ur nose reverts back to its original state after you stop using it
ReplyDeleteIf anyone searching for Nose Surgery By Best Awarded Doctor in Indore Then Visit Rhinoplasty in Indore
ReplyDeleteIf you have ever used nose right from . Tell me what you think about. Did it work? Did you get results? Also my nose has a slight bump and has a droop. I want to know if this will help. Thanks :)
ReplyDeleteSince I've started using the facethin tool my facial muscles have firmed. I've only had it for a short time so as I continue to use it, I'll be watching to see the effect it has on tightening up my face.
ReplyDeleteim 16 and have a long big pointy nose can you recomend anything to me that will work accept from surgery i dont want that.
ReplyDeletemy friend used Nose Shaper it and its working
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ReplyDeleteI want to reduce my nose tip fat ...pls help me. I need your help
ReplyDeleteHi I'm also really in need of a nose sharpener and can't get to the store distance has me wasted here an I'm really frustrated,,, Help here pls?
ReplyDeleteGood Information..
ReplyDeletehow to reduce nose fat naturally
Nice Tips... Please keep it up...
ReplyDeleteHome Remedies to Reduce Fat from Nose without Surgery
Thank you for useful article. You have given very good information. Find out more information about how to make your nose thinner